
Lewis and clark corps of discovery coin set
Lewis and clark corps of discovery coin set

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Lewis and clark corps of discovery coin set series#

Mint began the two-year Westward Journey 5-cent coin series - four Jefferson 5-cent coins having designs related to the theme. In 2004, to mark the bicentennial of the purchase and expedition, the U.S. Other options include the 2003 Missouri quarter dollar, which shows the Corps of Discovery pirogue on the Missouri River, Lewis, Clark and York (a slave). In the background, a stylized image of the face of Clark’s compass highlights “NW,” the Pacific Northwest where the trip concluded. The reverse shows a Native American man offering a pipe while his wife offers provisions of fish, corn, roots and gourds. Louis and Clark's Corps of Discovery - 27 soldiers, a French Canadian interpreter, and Clark's African-American slave, York - set out in May 1804 from St. The obverse carries the standard design of the young Native American woman with her baby. Dollar coins in general, and the Sacagawea coins in particular, do not circulate to any great extent, so the public and even some collectors have missed this chance to celebrate her. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark have long been honored for their part in history, but Sacagawea’s crucial contributions to the expedition were overlooked for many years (something that has changed in recent years). The 2014 Native American dollar coin - from the annual series pairing native guide Sacagawea on the obverse with reverses reflecting changing themes - is doubly eligible, since its reverse is related, reflecting the native hospitality that helped ensure the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Lewis and clark corps of discovery coin set